All You Need To Know About Building Surveyors

If you have conducted home improvement or construction works on your property, your contractor could have recommended the services of a building surveyor. If you're new to the construction industry, you might not comprehend the importance of the surveyor to your building project. So, who are building surveyors, and why are they important? Below is an extensive guide.  

The nature of your construction project will determine whether or not you need the services of a building surveyor. In Australia, you need a building permit when building a new home or conducting significant renovations on your property, such as extending your home, constructing a swimming pool or installing a fence. Typically, the permit is awarded once the local council examines the building plans to ensure they comply with the building codes, planning ordinances and strata by-laws. Moreover, the project should not pose a threat to current and future occupants of the property, neighbours and the existing habitats. 

The building permit protects the homeowner since it guarantees that the appointed contractor has the required licence and insurance. Should the building be declared illegal in the future, you have the necessary documentation to prove that you followed the required procedures and involved the local council in the planning and construction work. 

A building surveyor is a professional employed or sanctioned by the local council to award building permits to contractors and homeowners. Besides examining the building plans, the surveyor also advises you whether you need additional licences before receiving the building permit. For instance, suppose a water authority has an existing easement on the property you intend to build; then, you need their authorisation to build on the easement. Besides, they examine the site to determine whether you need to conduct protection work. It happens when building too close to your neighbour's property. For instance, you may need to underpin adjoining property to protect it from earth movement as you conduct excavation work. You might also need to install overhead protection to safeguard the property from falling objects from your construction site. 

The surveyor's work does not end after they issue the building permit. Once the construction work begins, the professional examines the construction work at critical phases such as the slab and frame. If the work does not meet the prescribed standard, the surveyor stops further construction until the builder meets the required specifications. After the contractor finalises construction work, the surveyor conducts a final inspection and offers an occupancy certificate to show that the building is safe for occupation. 

Contact a building surveyor to learn more. 

425 Words

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